You’re only viewing free creatures. Upgrade your account to see more.
Creature | Type | Size | Alignment | Challenge Rating | Legendary |
Blightcap | Plant | Medium | NE | 2 | No |
Dead Jester Assassin | Humanoid | Medium | L | 10 | No |
Devaluer | Aberration | Medium | N | 1 | No |
Doppelsailor | Monstrosity | Medium | CE | 5 | No |
Draconodium | Aberration | Gargantuan | CE | 27 | Yes |
Drogolum | Dragon | Huge | N | 15 | Yes |
Eldritch Giant | Giant | Huge | E | 11 | No |
Elemental Chaos, Maelstrom | Elemental | Medium | CE | 23 | Yes |
Elemental Chaos, Titan | Elemental | Gargantuan | CE | 23 | Yes |
Emotion Eater | Undead | Tiny | G | 1 | No |
Faithkeeper | Humanoid | Medium | Any | 4 | No |
Fallen | Celestial | Medium | LE | 9 | No |
Frost Wyrm | Dragon | Gargantuan | N | 20 | Yes |
Horde of Zombies | Undead | Gargantuan | NE | 5 | No |
Lithoflux Sentinel | Construct | Medium | U | 8 | No |
Lockmaw Axolotl | Beast | Medium | U | 0.25 | No |
Luminar | Celestial | Medium | LG | 14 | No |
Ogre Boss | Giant | Large | CE | 7 | Yes |
Plaguebringer | Monstrosity | Large | CE | 9 | No |
Radiant | Celestial | Medium | LG | 3 | No |
Retired Adventurer | Humanoid | Medium | Any | 11 | Yes |
Sea Serpent | Beast | Huge | U | 9 | No |
Shackler | Fiend | Medium | CE | 1 | No |
Slime Dragon | Ooze | Huge | CE | 14 | No |
Spell Scroll Golem | Construct | Medium | U | 15 | No |
Twinklewisker | Fey | Tiny | CN | 0.25 | No |
Verdanthral Maw | Plant | Gargantuan | U | 14 | No |
You’re only viewing free items. Upgrade your account to see more.
Item | Type | Rarity | Attunement |
Bones of Jot | Armor (Hide) | Artifact | Yes |
Corpse Symbiote | Wondrous Item | Rare | Yes (Cursed) |
Corrupted Halo | Wondrous Item | Very Rare | Yes |
Gloves of the Pantomime | Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Yes |
King's Pen | Wondrous Item | Rare | No |
Lighting Chains | Wondrous Item | Rare | Yes |
Maul of Four Elements | Weapon (Maul) | Legendary | Yes |
Moon-Lit Dragon Scale | Wondrous Item | Rare | Yes |
Ring of Shadow Animation | Ring | Rare | Yes |
Shapeshifter Mask | Wondrous Item | Uncommon | Yes (Cursed) |
Spell Crystal | Wondrous Item | Varies | Yes |
Staff of Ice | Staff | Veryr Rare | Yes |
Twin Rooks | Armor (Shield) | Rare | Yes |
Wavewalker Harness | Armor (Half-Plate) | Rare | No |
You’re only viewing free spells. Upgrade your account to see more.
Spell | Level | School | Classes | Casting Time | Components | Duration |
Adaptation | 1 | Transmutation | Dr, Ra, So, Wi | Action | V, S, M | 1 Hour |
Call Hero | 9 | Conjuration | Ba, Cl, So, Wi | Action | V, S, M (f) | Special |
Colossification | 5 | Transmutation | Ra, Pa, Wa | Action | V, S | 1 Minute (C) |
Life Burst | 4 | Abjuration | Cl, Dr | Action | V, S, M (f) | Instantaneous |
Mana Reservoir | 6 | Transmutation | Ba, So, Wi | Action | V, S, M | 1 Minute (C) |
Obliberate | 8 | Evocation | So, Wi | 1 Minute | V, S | Instantaneous |
Redirect | 4 | Abjuration | So, Wi | Reaction | V, S | Instantaneous |
Scare | 2 | Illusion | Ba, So, Wa, Wi | Bonus Action | V | Instantaneous |
Tranquilizer Bolt | 4 | Enchantment | Ba, Cl, So, Wi | Action | S, M | 1 Hour |
Twisted Blessing | 2 | Enchantment | Cl, Pa | Action | V, S, M | 1 Minute (C) |
Water Blade | 3 | Conjuration | Dr, So, Wa, Wi | Action | S | Instantaneous |
You’re only viewing free feats. Upgrade your account to see more.
Feat | Type | Prerequisite | ASI |
Companion's Memento | Buff, Skills | - | +1 Any |
Dirty Fighting Tactics | Combat, Proficiency | - | +1 STR, DEX, or CON |
Fungal Symbiosis | Defense | CON 14+ | -1 CON |
Impeccable Timing | Combat, Utility | - | - |
Monster Chronicler | Defense, Utility | Level 4 | +1 INT or WIS |
Nimble Fingers | Proficiency, Utility | - | +1 DEX |
Quick Sleeper | Utility | - | +1 CON |
Rites in Flesh | Defense, Spells | Level 4, CON 13+ | - |
Tag Team | Combat | - | +1 STR, DEX, or CON |
Throwing Expert | Combat, Utility | - | - |